Testo 0563 3372 71 330-2G LL Kit 1 - O2 And CO (w/dilution) - Commercial / Industrial Combustion Kit
Product Tags:
- On-board memory to ½ million readings
- Differential pressure
- Intuitive graphic display
- Temperature range: -40 to 2,192 °F
- Simple graphics alert you when combustion parameters are out of range
- Long Life Sensors with over-range protection
- Measure CO up to 30,000 ppm (with standard dilution system)
- 20 selectable fuels with 10 user defined fuels
- Optional EasyHeat Software for data management
- Gas leak with optional probe
- Calculations: CO2, efficiency, excess air, CO air free
- Differential temperature (with optional probes)
- Gas pipe testing: pressure drop, pipe commissioning, and more
- USB connectivity and more
- Bluetooth connectivity to PDA or printer (Bluetooth models only)
Product Images (click to enlarge)